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Maths in EYFS

Mathematics in the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum comes under two strands, each of which has an Early Learning Goal attached. The Early Learning Goals define the level of development children are expected to achieve by the end of their Reception year. 

Number Early Learning Goal

  • Have a deep understanding of number to 10, including the composition of each number; 
  • Subitise (recognise quantities without counting) up to 5;
  • Automatically recall number bonds up to 5 (including subtraction facts) and some number bonds to 10, including double facts. 
Parts and wholes
Finding number bonds to 10
Matching, sorting and comparing 
Sorting and comparing 
One more and one less (bus stop game)




Exploring number
Exploring the composition of 1, 2 and 3. 
Representing number






















Numerical Patterns Early Learning Goal

  • Verbally count beyond 20, recognising the pattern of the counting system;
  • Compare quantities up to 10 in different contexts, recognising when one quantity is greater than, less than or the same as another quantity;
  • Explore and represent patterns within numbers up to 10, including evens and odds, double facts and how quantities can be distributed equally. 

The teaching and learning of mathematics in our Nursery and Reception classes takes place both indoors and outdoors through a wide range of practical and 'hands on' activities. We are proud to offer a high-quality learning environment which provides opportunities for our children to explore different aspects of number, shape, space and measures and to learn new concepts. They have a wide range of play resources available to them throughout the year, known as 'continuous provision.'  

Comparing length and height 
Repeating patterns
Repeating patterns in continuous provision



Exploring and sorting 3D shapes. 
Making shapes