At Ashfield Infant and Nursery School our children wear uniform as it promotes a sense of pride and belonging, it is practical and smart, and designed to minimise distractions to learning
Our uniform consists of:
- royal blue jumper / cardigan
- sunflower yellow polo t-shirt
- dark (black, grey or navy) trousers or shorts, an around-knee-length skirt or blue or yellow checked dress
Our PE kit is:
- sunflower yellow t-shirt
- royal blue shorts
- plimsolls or trainers
Uniform embroidered with the school logo is available to purchase from Border Embroideries
Children in Reception through Year 2 pupils will also need waterproof trousers, a waterproof jacket and wellies for Forest School sessions.
Please can you ensure that your child’s name is in ALL items.
Please note that school operates a no jewellery policy on the grounds of health and safety. Should a child have their ears pierced, we suggest that this is carried out at the beginning of the summer holidays so that the required 6-week healing period, when earrings must be worn continually, does not occur during school time.