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Our school attendance target is 96%

At Ashfield Infant and Nursery School, we strive to promote good attendance by actively encouraging the development of a positive, nurturing, stimulated school environment where children, parents and carers feel welcome, safe and secure.


We ask parents and carers to notify the school office before 9.00am if their child is going to be absent. Please leave a message stating your child’s name, class and reason for absence.

We have a duty of care to our families therefore, if a child is absent from school and we have not had any contact from the parent or carer, school will contact parents and carers via telephone.  If we are unable to make contact with the parent or carer, a home visit may take place to speak with the parent.


For more information please visit

What is an unauthorised absence?

  • An unauthorised mark is recorded for holidays taken in term time.
  • If a child arrives at school after the register has closed.
  • If the reason given for absence is not deemed to be accurate or genuine.

A child who has an attendance of less than 90% is at risk of being a persistent absentee. If your child’s attendance is of concern, you may be invited into school to discuss the issues.

In serious cases, the Local Authorities Access and Inclusion Officer will be informed.

All unauthorised absences, including holidays that have not been sanctioned by the Headteacher, are accumulated and parents who fail to ensure regular attendance of their children at school can be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice under Section 444 of the Education Act 1996. The amount is £80 (per parent per child) if paid within 21 days and £160 (per parent per child) if paid between 21 and 28 days. Failure to pay a Penalty Notice will result in prosecution, except in limited circumstances.

Attendance is closely monitored by the Governing Body.

For more information, including our Attendance Policy and the Cumberland Attendance Handbook please click here.